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Bats are often disliked and have a bad reputation (mainly due to horror films), yet they play a fundamental role in the balance of biodiversity.

For example, did you know that they are particularly fond of insects? Mosquitoes, caterpillars, moths, and beetles… Every night, these small-winged mammals devour thousands of them! A diet that makes them a prime choice in the fight against garden pests.

Would you like to make use of these precious allies? Here are a few tips on how to attract them to your garden!

Offer them a place to stay

Bats like to live in cavities. Apart from caves, they are particularly fond of areas below roofs, attics or hollow trees.
Unfortunately, modern housing and architecture make access to these places difficult.

Our tip for attracting bats to your garden: set up a bat box! Take inspiration from our tutorial
Place it high up (so that cats and other predators cannot disturb them), in direct sunlight (they like the heat) and protect it from rain and wind.

A little Pink Lady® tip: stretch a tarpaulin under the nesting box to limit the damage and collect the animals’ excrement: the guano (natural fertiliser made up of bat excrement) will make an excellent addition to your garden.

… and plenty of food!

Flowers, vegetables, trees, hedges and other shrubs naturally attract insects to your garden. While it’s nice to see ladybirds and other insects thriving in the garden, we’re more reluctant to deal with mosquitoes and other garden pests.

Fortunately, bats are there! They will return the favour by getting rid of these troublesome insects. On average, each night, bats devour the equivalent of 3,000 mosquitoes. A formidable ally in preserving the well-being of your plantations, but also the tranquillity of your summer evenings!

Create a water point

As with any other mammal, water supply for bats is just as important as food. If you have a swimming pool, or a stream running through the bottom of your garden, bats will be able to quench their thirst.

If not, then you can create a small open water point for bats to drink peacefully. You may then enjoy the show of these agile allies skimming the surface of the water to quench their thirst in flight.

Turn off the lights

A final tip for attracting bats to your garden: remember to turn off your outdoor lights! These artificial light areas can disrupt bats’ routines and disorient them while they are hunting.

If you are used to lighting your garden, particularly for safety reasons, then use low-voltage sodium lamps or diode lights. Finally, if possible, do not leave the lights on all night as it is important to keep pitch-dark periods for bats to thrive.